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Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Went for my longest run since my injury on saturday. The achilles has come up a bit sore so i'll need to take some more time off running. It's a bit frustrating, but i don't really have any time for running at the moment anyway. Might just have to run for fitness and fun until next year. I'll see how things look in a week or 2. With any luck I may still get up for the Adelaide half or the C2B.
PhD progressing well.


miners said...

good to hear from you again mate - hope the achilles settles itself really soon, whether or not you have the time to run right now anyway.

Tesso said...

You hadn't blogged for so long I though you were off on a really long run ;-)

Damn stupid achilles injuries. They take a while to recover from.

Black Knight said...

Welcome back. Paraphrasing the latins we could say: "currere est necesse, vivere non est necesse"