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Thursday, July 28, 2005

Should I be worried?

Our daughter is sick today, she has a fever and flu symptoms. She isn't too bad really but I am worried that I will catch whatever she has like I normally do. I have been taking lots of precautions such as earlier nights, eating well, taking antioxidants and not eating or drinking from the same bottles or plates as the kids. But the fact remains that I have increased my training in the last few weeks. My running has been going really well too. Maybe I won't get it, maybe I'm worrying over nothing or maybe I should take it easy over the next few days just in case.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Found: 1 wall

Yesterday. With about 3km to go in my 31.5km run I found a wall and promptly ran into it. Until then I was feeling really good for the whole run and then BAM out with the easy fast stride and in with the Cliffy Young shuffle. I think it might have something to do with the 18km run I did on Friday with a fairly heavy pack. Anyway, I'm glad I was able to run through the wall and finish my run. Legs have recovered well which is a good sign. Had an early night too (last night not Saturday night when I stayed up and watched the cricket/cycling/rugby). Looking forward to a 35 odd km training run with my trailblazer team on Sunday

Monday, July 18, 2005

Boozy week in Darwin

OK, so after my long run last weekend, I then had a very busy week of attending conferences/workshops and going out for drinks every night. I somehow managed to put on 2kg over the last week! Must have been all the alcohol. Only got two short runs in during the week and a long run (25-30km) yesterday afternoon from our house (Morphettville) up to the Yurrebilla trail, along the trail to Waterfall Gully, down Waterfall Gully through Burnside to Dulwich. How cold is it in Adelaide?! I had to miss the River Run because I was feeling a bit stuffed after the trip back but I'm happy with the distance.
In better news, I won a prize (including $400) for my presentation at the AMSA conference.

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Darwin long run

I went for a long run this morning with Darwin runners club. It must have been at least 25 degrees and 80% humidity when I left . I ran 6km out to where they started, ran another 16km with them and then ran back to the backpackers, total 28km. I drank about 3 litres of water during the run plus another 1 litre when I got back. On the way back I stopped at the Parap markets and had a fruit smoothie and coffee, and had a browse through the stalls. These markets are definitely worth a look if you are in Darwin on a Saturday morning. Can't type too much because I'm in an internet cafe. Thanks to the Darwin Runners Club for letting me run with them and particularly Ian, who was good conversation along the way.

Almost forgot, legs felt pretty good. Should be able to run the River Run next week no problems.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Trailblazer finish

Here we are finishing the Trailblazer last year. Babette was pretty tired but managed to smile for the camera. As usual, I didn't even notice that there was a camera, but trust me I was feeling pretty good.

I'm having a meeting with my team for this year's Trailblazer today. OK, now I have to go and finish my talk for next week's conferences in beautiful warm Darwin.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005


Went for a run this morning with Addi. Felt better, legs weren't sore and I was able to go at a reasonable pace. HR was still a little high though.

I have put a link to the Trailblazer with my other links. This event is very well organised and very challenging, but you can enter several distances. The really good part about this race is that you have to work together as a team, if you don't then it would be a pretty bad day or two. There are a couple of pictures of me and my running partner from last year, Babette, on the website, see if you can find me. We are the odd couple: a tiny 47 year old mother of two and a medium build 27 year old guy (me). We ran most of the 50k event and finished in about 7:15.

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Long (sort of) run

Went for a long run this morning: 20k. This was really tough, the heart rate was up, I was running pretty slowly and the legs started to get sore towards the end. I nearly hit the wall too because I didn't take any gel or powerade. I can see that getting up for the Adelaide marathon is going to be hard work.

A girl running/ almost running/ sitting on her bum,

30-35km is a long training run for me and it is what I would have liked to be running right now in the build up to the Marathon. I have eight weeks until the Adelaide Marathon and I'll want to ease back on distance on the last week or two, so I have 6 weeks to increase my long run to 35km which I feel will leave me in reasonable shape to run a marathon. Next week I will hopefully run 25km, then the week after is the River Run which is 30km. That sort of increase is a bit fast but I'd really like to go in it. After that I reckon the long runs will go like this: 32, 34, 35, 30, 20-25, Marathon. Hopefully I'll be able to build up my runs during the week as well.

I'm also hoping to run in the 100km trailblazer challenge with a team in October, so I need to get some miles in me for that too.

Friday, July 01, 2005

First run back

Ran home last night (10k). It's amazing how much condition you lose over three weeks. My legs are so sore today. My HR was almost 10bpm higher than average for the run home and it took a few minutes longer than usual. Hopefully my fitness will pick up quickly as I get back into things. I'm planning to do 15-20k on Sunday morning then a couple of runs next week before going up to Darwin. Up in Darwin I will try to go for a run on Saturday morning (6.45!) with the Darwin runners club.