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Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Evolution of a Mo - Day 13

So I've been a bit slack with the Mo updates, but I have a good excuse. We moved into out new house! And I've been really busy doing all the little things you need to do to get yourself set in the new place, so I just haven't had time. I've only been for one run since Wednesday too! Anyway, here it is the 13 day old mo. Enjoy! Pictures of the new house will come soon, I just need to find the time to take them.


Sekhmet said...

Yay on the new house!

C'mon, we want piccies NOW!!!

Tesso said...

Moving can be such a pain but how exciting it must be being in the new digs!

The mo is looking good, almost back to normal :-)

Ewen said...

You've got the wild west outlaw look going there Dave.

Glad the Mo-ove went well.

Jaykay said...

Aha, now I know what you look like....Nice Mo!

Spark Driver said...

Going well there MoBro. Don't let it join in the middle though. Then it is a goatee.