I've been running seriously for about 7 years, but in the next year I am going to take on a far more serious run: a solo unassisted through-run of the Heysen Trail. I am supported by a wonderful wife and we have a couple of great kids with another one on the way soon. I have been a vegetarian for 10 years. It is ironic that I'm born in the year of the horse because I am allergic to them!
Score!! That's a fantastic effort at the gaunt evil genius.
Impressive lokking Mo there Bro. Well done.
The evolution is going on! Great match against the Wallabies, Italy is coming..... come on Azzuri!
The dark glasses give it that extra something.
Ok, THIS picture's hot. I'm getting more of a James Hetfield vibe here. LOL.
You could join the Mongrel Mob with that mo' and sunnies!! Well done!!! :-)
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