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Friday, November 03, 2006

Evolution of a Mo - Day 2

Can you see it yet?

Not going in the Blackhill Challenge on Sunday. We've got too much to do on the house. Looking forward to racing in the invitational fun run for corporate cup next week instead. Next event after that is likely to be the SARRC Christmas Frolic.


Tesso said...

See what ;-)

RunDave said...

The outbreak of pimples I often seem to get when I shave. Another reason why I don't usually shave.

Anonymous said...

For those who don't work down the hall from Dave, I just went to his office, and the mo is no more obvious in person.....

RunDave said...

Sad, but true!

Ewen said...

Just don't go too hard with the Solvol soap for a while ;)

Spark Driver said...

Don't listen to them. They are all jealous :-)

Black Knight said...

The same here, too much busy with my son's house. And the big day is coming fast.