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Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Evolution of a Mo - Day 28

Kind of like Russell Hammond from Stillwater (band in Almost Famous) but with longer hair.

I got to looking at more images of Billy Crudup and I was amazed at how similar we look (except he has better teeth and a slight dimple in his chin). Then I found this image from Without Limits, a film about Steve Prefontaine. Freaky hey. Now if only I could run like Pre.


Ewen said...

You could be a Hollywood stunt double.

I like the Pre look - try and run like him, not Billy Crudup. Billy couldn't run out of sight on a dark night.

Tesso said...

All you need now is some of that retro running gear :-)

Anonymous said...

you are a Golden God.

Em said...

Goodness, you have a few dopelgangers there

Rachel said...
